Student enrollment does not merely involve the registration of new students to your school’s new academic period. Even if that’s, more or less, the final objective, the processes involved and the parameters you need to consider, make enrollment management much more challenging, in practice. Just think of all the delays and mistakes you’ve had to deal with, in the past; and you’ll probably understand why a software solution may be exactly what you need.
And that’s what we’re discussing in this article; how enrollment management software helps solve all these problems you’re dealing with.
Let’s first get an overview of the difficulties and challenges involved. Of course, you know all these things that put a stumbling block in your process, inside out; but let’s have a look anyway.
Enrollment management: things that get in the way of efficiency
As we have previously explained on our blog, there are plenty of things that make it difficult to deal with the enrollment process with efficiency. When enrolling your students to school periods and classes, you’ll probably stumble upon the following:
1. Delays in registration
Parents and students that don’t show up on time and have you waiting with pending enrollment forms to be completed. And this also affects the file keeping process; which, you’re struggling to make efficient. All in all, back-and-forth transactions regarding filling in enrollment forms become much more complicated when you’re required to keep social distancing; as it happens these days.
2. Mistakes in enrollment forms
No need to explain further; just think of the errors in handwritten forms you have to deal with. Especially when they are filled in by students or parents, as it happens to be the fact, most of the time. All things considered, data in enrollment forms might not be consistent regarding students’ personal details.
3. Repeated changes
Modifications, adaptations and re-registrations will be part of the game. The scenarios involved could include, for example, students that make up their minds as to whether they’ll finally register to specific classes or not. Or even, switching training subjects — based on their needs — from the ones they initially expressed their interest to attend. Even if the latter problems refer to academies and educational institutions of any kind, changes are something that concerns all schools, no matter their type. Why not rise above it?
4. Repeating the enrollment process from scratch
Without a specialized solution in place, that is indeed a problem. In particular, if student enrollment is not a one-off process for your educational institution, then why not use a tool to make it much easier?
You’ll probably agree with me that all the tricky points above are more than enough to make you want to find an enrollment management tool that solves them, right?
Let’s see how DreamClass helps resolve all these problems and make enrollment management a piece of cake.
Enrollment management, with DreamClass
With DreamClass, you can address all the above challenges with efficiency. In particular,
you can easily manage the enrollment process online, simply from your browser; no matter where you are. Paperwork is no longer a problem; and registering students in the new academic period — and then in classes — can be done with only a few clicks.
As such, with an enrollment management system, such as DreamClass, you can enjoy these following advantages — explained in more detail here:
- Eliminate mistakes and error-prone procedures with online enrollment forms
- Speed up the whole enrollment process
- Get all the functionality you need, such as the ability to send notifications on enrollment dates to students and parents.
- Easily apply enrollment policies
- Leverage cooperation with colleagues
- Facilitate the selection process
Still wondering if it’s really worth a try?
Having mentioned all the enrollment management challenges above — that you’re probably familiar with, now it’s time for us to throw down a challenge to you. And what’s that? Well, we challenge you to give it a try for free; find out whether it helps solve all the enrollment management issues of your school. We’re confident that you’ll be surprised! It might prove to be the Enrollment Management Software of your ‘Dreams’.