A Student Attendance Management System, like no other

Pop quiz for teachers, educators and school administrators; How many of your students missed at least three lessons the previous semester/academic period? Did you manage to inform their parents or guardians on time? How many of them fall behind on their studies or didn’t proceed as you have initially expected? With a student attendance management system like DreamClass you will, among other things, have precise answers to these questions, whenever you need them; and the opportunity to make smart decisions, as well.

Being able to record, monitor and work further on attendance data with efficiency is, undoubtedly, one of the core characteristics of a successful school or academy of any size. The level of efficiency affects many aspects of school operations. That includes internal workflows and re-designing timetables, if needed. And it even affects parents’ satisfaction, as mentioned above. 

But the truth is, most of the time teachers or school administrators stick to outdated methods of attendance record keeping. And what’s the problem with that?

Read on to find out.

Running your school without a student attendance management system

Handwritten absence record-keeping is a laborious and tedious task that either teachers or administrative assistants are burdened with. They need to step out of their roles, in order to collect data from all classes; and inform parents on the dot. But it’s not only about keeping parents informed. 

Old-fashioned methods come with way too many hassles and weaknesses. You may be using handwritten records for your attendance data; and probably praise yourself for the flawless method you have developed and polished all the previous years. In that case, you’re probably unaware of the capabilities of a modern student attendance management system. 

Level up with a student attendance management system 

An online system for attendance record keeping helps you address attendance issues effortlessly. It gives faculty and supervisors the opportunity to make accurate assessments based on students’ absenteeism. With a student attendance management system like DreamClass, you can enjoy a host of benefits, daily:

  • Save time: Have a single point of reference to check all your attendance records for your entire educational institution. No need to have multiple records.
  • Ensure data safety: Compared to old-fashioned paper records that may be lost or destroyed, your attendance records are safe; and available on the cloud.
  • Eliminate record-keeping errors: Absences and presences, all precisely kept in record.  
  • Easily share data, whenever you need it:  Make updated absence records instantly available to respective personnel (teachers, administrators). No need to physically visit each classroom, to find out who’s missing. You can do it from home, if you need to!
  • Work on attendance data, in retrospect: Easily compare data per student or class. Use your findings to further improve your administration process. 
  • Easily inform parents on their students’ absences: Once a teacher logs an absence, administrators can timely inform parents and guardians of the event.

And there’s more!

The most valuable benefit is, you are able to assess this data later. It gives administrators and educators all the information they need to make further improvements, on scheduling or keeping everyone well informed. The same data can also help educators engage in insightful discussions with students and parents; in order to find personalized solutions that serve their specific needs. That is to say, needs such as adapting learning objectives and goals to suit a student’s availability and capacity.

Compulsory school attendance, easily administered

DreamClass makes students’ attendance supervision more manageable, as compared to handwritten documents. It allows schools or educational institutions enjoy some peace of mind. Especially, knowing they are meeting attendance regulations and comply with compulsory school attendance laws.

How records of attendance affect your payments/school revenues

In case you’re running a small academy, you may be wondering how a school attendance management system like DreamClass can be of help, for your specific needs. Well, having your students’ records of attendance stored on the cloud, allows you access to them, whenever you need it. Say, to confirm that you have received lessons payments upon a students presence. That is, in case you’ve already established a relevant agreement.

In addition, you can make an accurate assessment of students’ absenteeism. This will provide you with the opportunity to discuss any changes that will allow them more regular attendance. 

Why not have it all?

Want your educational institution to have a high attendance rate? With a school attendance management system like DreamClass, you’re sure to enjoy how its helpful feature set gives your school, academy or educational institution a head start over others.

Try DreamClass for free and see how you make the best out of it!

Try it now

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