Better school management is a top priority for any person that holds a leading position in a school. That person is responsible for creating a well-organized school that runs smoothly. But how’s that feasible?
If you have that role in your school, you’re probably wondering how can you get there without a hitch, right? Well, we’ve got you covered. With our school management software, DreamClass, you can meet all of your managerial objectives, with no trouble at all. We’ll explain all about it below. More specifically, we’ll be showing you how fundamental competencies for better school management are being supported by DreamClass’ core functionality, using examples.
But, what makes school management that crucial?
The managerial role in the school organization is the ‘glue’ that holds all the components together. And that’s true for all school organizations. That is, no matter what school organization you’re responsible for — be it K12, a college, an academy or any type of educational institution — you have to tackle a wide array of tasks and responsibilities, on a daily basis. To efficiently complete all of them, you’ll need to put all of your managerial skills to work. But even so, that may not be enough.
To elaborate, whatever role you hold within your school — be it a school administrator, a principal, an assistant headteacher, a secretary, a principal teacher or any position — you’ll need to set the ground for a better school management experience. As a matter of fact, your effort towards that change will contribute to your own efficiency; and will also help faculty staff members improve their efficiency, as well.
Let’s see how DreamClass helps you in that direction.
4 ways DreamClass helps you achieve better school management for your school
Achieving better school management means you’re able to improve your day-to-day operations, in terms of time and efficiency. Moreover, you’re in a position that allows you to communicate with teachers, students, parents and guardians, effectively. You’re also able to apply and communicate changes whenever that’s necessary; so that you don’t hold back educational operations. On the whole, you’re able to ensure that the school you’re in charge of operates in an impressively smooth and effective way, every day.
Here’s how you can achieve all of the above with DreamClass:
1. Better organizational management
As aptly mentioned in “Effective school management”:
Research has shown that the most important indication of high management potential and effective managerial performance is the ‘helicopter’ quality — the ability to take the broader view of one’s activities and to see them in context.
Undoubtedly, with DreamClass you’ll enjoy this ‘helicopter” quality, to the maximum. Why? Simply because you’ll be able to organize and supervise a long list of tasks and processes vital for your school’s operation, with ease.
More specifically, you’ll have the functionality of both enrollment management software and curriculum management software in your hands. Isn’t that something that you’d like for your school?
And there’s more, regarding better school management. With DreamClass, you’ll upgrade your organizational skills, as you’ll be able to improve the way you perform class management; and classroom management, as well. And that’s because it offers you all the qualities you’re looking for from a School Information Management System.
2. Better management of day-to-day tasks
Better school management means you’re able to perform day-to-day tasks in the easiest and least wasteful way. And that’s true, not only for you, but also your teachers and other members of your school team. How? Let’s take, for example, attendance management; with DreamClass you’re able to easily take attendance within the class and keep all interested parties updated. To elaborate, as we’ve previously explained on our blog, you’ll be able to take attendance and easily share that information with parents or guardians, when needed.
3. Better financial management
In the same fashion, you’ll be able to manage your financials, which include students’ tuition fees and teachers’ payments, in the most efficient way, from your screen. To mention a few benefits, you’ll be able to:
- create tuition installments
- keep track of payments with payment notes
- get summarized information on due payments
4. Delegation for better school management
One of the major challenges you’re probably facing, is the problem of dealing with one too many tasks. Some of them need your personal care, but there are others that are not that critical; these could be devolved. As expected, in order to become highly effective and succeed in applying better school management, you’ll need to delegate some of the latter. And, even if you don’t seem to recognize this one as one of your options, fearing that it may cause you extra hassle, you’ll probably yield in the end, and go with it. That said, the truth is that delegation without a proper system in place, may lead to extra workload.
DreamClass was built with that perspective in mind. Here’s what I mean: as the head of your school management you’ll be able to give access to other members of your team such as teachers, administrators assistants or any other member. Specifically, your teachers will be able to view only classes assigned to them; along with students enrolled in these groups. Therefore, they will be able to take attendance, great gradebooks and be in charge of information related to their role. That information will also be available to you and other members of the administration team, to monitor, whenever needed.
Want more?
Financial management, day-to-day task orchestration and delegation management are only some of the ways DreamClass helps you achieve better school management.
If you want to find out more ways how you can level up your school operations and your team’s efficiency, we’d suggest you try DreamClass, for free, now.