Among your priorities, as a school administrator, you need to make decisions based on school budget constraints. Therefore, when purchasing equipment and technology for your school, you try to hone in on simple and affordable student management solutions.
No one can deny that switching to an online school student management solution is a money-saving decision in itself. And that’s because it helps you reduce the costs of printing and use of paper; while releasing you from paperwork headaches, altogether. But, is that enough to make you feel assured that you made the right decision, simply by choosing one of the available options? Well, not exactly. Keep reading!
How to choose an affordable student management solution for your school?
There’s no need to purchase a ‘heavy duty’— and, thus, high-priced — solution if your major goal is to automate a specific task of crucial importance for your school. To explain, if you simply need to manage your students’ financials, there’s no reason to pay for a solution that only offers that feature among other things. Neither do you need to compromise on functionality although you need more, because of a tight budget. Don’t you wish you could opt for a solution that offers everything you need and is also an affordable student management solution? With DreamClass, you surely can.
What makes DreamClass an affordable student management system?
An all-in-one solution
If you’re opting for affordable student management, DreamClass is probably the best candidate. Why? Simply because it’s a multifunctional solution that offers everything you need to run all of your administrative processes efficiently. More specifically, with DreamClass you get the fundamental functionality of the following types of school management systems:
- Student enrollment system
- Student attendance management system
- Gradebook management system
- Financial management system
- Curriculum management system
- School management ERP
To put it another way, the functionality you may be looking for in each one of these types of software tools is being offered to you in one, all-inclusive solution. And that means that you’ll get your money’s worth in return, at a fraction of the time. Think about it.
But, you must be wondering… what about the actual cost?
Pay for what you currently need
Now, as for the prices and plans we currently offer, the numbers speak for themselves; and you may find them here. But, let’s put the financial values aside for a minute and let’s focus on another aspect. Isn’t it true that the number of enrolled students vary from year to year or semester to semester? Even if that’s not the case, you can never be sure of the absolute final number of students you’ll register to your school each period, right? And what if your small educational institution or organization has just opened up for business? That’s exactly what we had in mind when we shaped our plans. To explain, based on your school’s size — that is the number of students you’ll typically enroll — you’re free to choose one of the following plans.
- Basic: 40 Students per School Period
- Premium: Up to 100 Students per School Period
- Pro: Up to 300 Students per School Period
You can also give us a nudge for a quote, if you have more than 300 students.
Run multiple school periods in parallel
Another point worth mentioning here is that you’re free to create as many school periods as you need. Τhat’s, provided that the number of students per period does not exceed the maximum value in your subscription plan.
It goes without saying, a solution that allows you to pay as you grow leads to affordable student management for your school.
But, what about simplicity?
Go for a simple student management solution
There’s no doubt that, before taking your final decision as to which solution you should add to your school’s armory, you’ll need to make sure that it won’t complicate your workflows. In fact, you need to achieve quite the opposite. In the same fashion, you need to make sure the learning curve of the new tool to be used by your faculty and staff will make their lives easier. And that’s exactly what DreamClass offers.
With DreamClass, you can use your browser to access and work on your data from wherever you are. And that means that you don’t need to worry about local installation, updates or maintenance of a system. We handle all that for you.
Moreover, teachers and school staff can use DreamClass without any trouble and perform all kinds of daily tasks with ease. They won’t need to redo things from scratch; and that holds true for a long list of tasks, such as re-enrolling students to a new school period.
Summing it up
If you’re planning to upgrade your school’s administrative process with a software solution, make sure you choose a simple and affordable one. Choose one that will prove to be a value-for-money pick. Choose DreamClass, and rest assured that you’ve made a wise short-term and long-term investment decision, in terms of quality and sustainability.