Looking for a better way to manage your school finances? Does bookkeeping school fees and teachers’ payments take up most of your administrative time? If yes, then why not make a change to automate your school fee management process?
Now if you’re wondering what that means in practice, the idea is to maintain accurate digital records of your finances. This allows you to have everything you need gathered in one place; for accountability and audit purposes. While, at the same time, you will also make it easier for parents and guardians to pay school fees online, independently. And you may achieve all the above with the minimum possible effort.
Should you upgrade your school fee bookkeeping procedure?
Well, the answer is yes! Mostly because what has worked in the past doesn’t seem to work as well today. That is to say, using a paper-based accounting system in the early days of your school probably cost you less. However, if you’re still doing your bookkeeping by hand, you probably find yourself and/or your team spending a lot of time and effort, only to keep the ball rolling. The same is true if you’re not yet using tailor-made-for-school accounting software. Or, at least, a school administration system with financial management functionality. Here is a list of burdens that won’t get in the way anymore, if you change the way you manage your school finances:
- Release yourself from the extra effort needed to maintain thorough accounting paper trails.
- Spend less time on manual entries, as you may be doing up to this point, especially if you’ve been using multiple systems.
- Don’t let delinquent payment management affect the relationship you’re building with parents and guardians.
- Quit struggling to balance your school’s budget due to late payments gone unnoticed.
- Say goodbye to tedious accounting activities, such as the administrative work of matching receipts with school fee payments.
- Reduce time-consuming in-person payments to the minimum.
The above is only part of the improvements you’ll enjoy with our student information system; DreamClass. Read on to find out more.
How to manage your school finances with only a few clicks, with DreamClass
If you start using DreamClass, as your school management software, you’ll get the most of an all-inclusive functionality that supports various school administrative processes.
School management with DreamClass
Apart from your school finances, you’ll get to easily perform numerous tasks, such as the following ones, with ease:
- Create a digital representation of classes, courses and school periods, to better orchestrate a host of tasks.
- Make the most out of the digital profiles of students, teachers and guardians you create to store personal, contact information along with connections between them.
- Allow for the whole school community to be active and perform actions based on their roles, using the respective access portals (student, teacher and guardian portals)
- Make the most out of your digital gradebooks, attendance, performance records, assessments, and so forth.
School finances management, with DreamClass
Now, returning to our topic, as to how you’ll manage your school finances, here’s how digital tuition management takes shape with DreamClass:
- Start working on your digital school period, creating digital school fees for that specific period.
- Create one-off, monthly or periodic fees, based on your school’s needs.
- Assign fees to each one of your students (one by one or at masse)
- Modify the fees on your students’ profiles, apply discounts and keep track of the changes you make.
- Create invoices and notify students and/or guardians at once.
- Collect school fees with online payments students or guardians perform autonomously.
- Easily monitor the payments you receive (cash, wire transfer, cheque).
Manage your school finances with ease, making the most out of reporting functionality
- Easily find the information you need, by tweaking the financial reports that are automatically created for you
- Review, analyze and sort out financial information per student or per class, with only a few clicks
- Make the most out of the time you save, with automated invoicing
- Get a snapshot of your school finances, the moment you log in to the system; and take action to notify parents and guardians of their due payments, en masse.
Want to change the way you manage your school finances for the better?
Do you want to improve the way you manage your school finances, so that the administrative staff has more time to handle other responsibilities? If so, give DreamClass, our school management system, a try; and see for yourself how that’s feasible from day one. With it, you will also manage to foster better financial experiences for families, so that they’ll choose your school, against others.