If you Googled or searched online for a K-12 school admissions app, chances are you’re trying to upgrade the way you manage student admissions in your K-12 school. By automating and streamlining admission workflows, you will benefit your staff, as well as the parents and guardians you serve.
So how do you get there? Let’s first have a look at your starting point; the way you have handled admissions at your K-12 school so far. And then, we’ll see what improvements a K-12 school admission app can bring to your school!
Admissions management, the old-school way
Your world probably looks like this: you run a K-12 school and have come across many different ways in which you could manage student admissions more efficiently. Briefly, you had to figure out how to proceed with the following:
- Invite parents to express their interest and produce the required information with regard to registering their children.
- Save time, by managing the admission application forms as efficiently as possible.
- Let parents and guardians know their children are finally registered in your K-12 school and they’re ready to start their classes.
Let’s take a closer look at the approaches you may have used to resolve the aforementioned issues.
Running the whole admission process manually
If you run the admission process manually, chances are you probably had to prepare, print and share application forms with parents and guardians. This may be leaving you to work with tons of paper-based application forms. This process comes with the following burdens:
- Extra paperwork for administrators
- Handwriting mistakes that increase back-and-forth communications with parents
- Increased expenses for the required stationery, which further burdens your budget.
Adding admission forms on your website
If you have already added admission forms on your K-12 school website and have also invited parents to fill in students’ data, then you have taken a first step towards improving the admissions process. Even so, there are still a number of challenges associated with this approach:
- A tech person’s help is needed to set up the form on your site.
- You cannot edit an admission on the fly; not once it’s been created and published on your website. Tech savviness is also needed here.
- The way you’ll process data, once submitted, may cause extra hassle to your personnel. In order to perform calculations or simply work on data, you might need to copy it or export it to Google Sheets or a similar tool.
Why switching to a K-12 school admissions app is worth the while
Start using a K-12 school admissions app like DreamClass, and manage the admissions process in the following ways:
- Create admission forms in seconds.
- Share admission forms with your audience (new students) using links on your school site; and allow them to register from scratch in seconds.
- Notify the guardians of older students with an email that links to their profile; there they can complete the application for the new school year and simply select classes.
- Delegate the admissions monitoring part to specific members of your personnel; that way, there’s someone responsible to follow up with parents, if needed.
- Keep track of the admissions process history to break up and complete the process in steps.
What are the key benefits of using a K-12 school admissions app?
Some of the benefits you’ll enjoy if you start using a K-12 school admissions app like DreamClass are the following:
- By taking admissions management online, you can run the whole process from wherever you are.
- Εliminate the time you spend on admission applications creation; start working on ready-made application form templates that only need a few tweaks.
- Μake it easier for parents to register their children; they won’t need to create an account with login credentials to proceed with an application submission.
- Reduce your K-12 school’s environmental footprint, as you won’t have to print and share any docs; all required information will be safely stored online.
- Parents and guardians won’t need to download, print, scan and send their students’ admission applications via email; or much worse submit them in person.
- You may collect admission fees upon application submission; giving the parents the option to pay off registration fees using a payment link.
- You’ll make the application process more efficient by making the most of the history of actions. This allows administration personnel to jointly monitor the progress of each one of the application forms.
- Allow for parents and guardians to re-register existing students to new classes; and, also, be able to view the progress of their application.
- Eliminate duplicate records and thoroughly monitor data.
Are you currently enrolling?
Would you like to run your next admission dates more efficiently and scale your registrations? If yes, then give DreamClass, our K-12 school admissions app a try today! Create your account and see how you can not only set admissions forms in seconds, but also upgrade all of your school management processes, for yourself!