Looking for a better way to manage your school finances in less time? Why not make a change to automate your school fee management process?
Author: Konstantina Ferentinou
Step up the game with a Modern Student Information System
Want to make your school future-ready so that prospective families will choose your educational institution against others? If yes, then why not use a modern student information system?
K-12 admissions with School Management Software
Using school management software helps simplify the application process and make your K-12 admissions management much more efficient.
Manage Tuition Fees and Online Payments with K-12 School Management Software
Don’t you wish you could automate tuition fees and online payments, to encourage better payment behaviors for your K-12 school? Here’s how!
Online gradebooks with K-12 School Management Software
What if you could create online gradebooks for all of your classes, in seconds? And what if you could automatically share them with everyone?
Need a K-12 school Admissions App? Why not take it online!
Been looking for a K-12 school admissions app? Automate and streamline admissions workflows and benefit your staff and customers, alike!
K-12 School Management Software for Attendance Tracking
When students miss 10% of school days, it affects their proficiency in reading. Use K-12 school management software for attendance tracking.
Looking for a K12 online school admission system? Try DreamClass
Do you spend hours organizing, processing and filing out paper copies of student applications? Then it’s about time you made a change!