Boot camps and summer schools
Manage admissions, enrollment, payments, attendance and supervision affordably, in minutes. Professional level school management for your boot camp or summer school, focusing on speed, efficiency and low maintenance.
Features are fully functional for 7 days.
Plans starting from $44/mo.

Complete, fast and easy!
Manage your boot camps or summer school for your faith-based, preschool, university, college or K-12 institution with an easy-to-use, affordable, all-round solution. Remain productive and retain control over your school, in minutes. It’s great for low maintenance requirements!
Standardized and customizable student profiles with easy admissions and enrollment
No more obscure processes to track student information and demographics. Create student profiles and manage admissions and enrollment for the current or any future period, as well as student performance. Automate the majority of your tasks, helping administrators and teachers save time, with customizable student profiles; all, while eliminating mistakes stemming from manual paperwork and non-standardized forms. Student information, grades and payments are centrally available and accessible, even remotely, as long as you have internet connectivity.
Accessible and shareable time-schedule
Create your time schedules and share them with teachers, students and parents or guardians. Perform last minute changes with automated notifications to students, teachers and parents. You no longer have to worry about time consuming long processes to update every party involved. Email communication is also available.
Access to student portal and parent portal
Provide access to a student portal and a parent portal for easy, streamlined activity management; complete, with automated notifications for changes or cancellations. No more tedious revisions and endless phone calls to keep everyone up to date. Optimize your costs and reduce your overhead. All activities will be readily available to everyone, even on the go.
Swift attendance management and automated notifications
Easy, online — even remote — attendance management allows for absolute control of your classes, avoiding accidental omissions or tedious, error-prone processes. Attendance may also be delegated to teachers, reducing costs and overhead. Instantly share attendance data and immediately notify parents and guardians.
Online transcripts, supervision and student assessments
Allow teachers, students and parents or guardians to perform assessments online, with the simplicity of a text-based form. Download student transcripts in seconds, even in bulk, for distribution, drastically reducing your overhead. Plus, all assessments and custom notes are automatically saved to the student’s or teacher’s profile for future reference. You can now rest easy, always knowing how your teachers and students perform.
Features available on all plans
- Academic Management
- Admissions Management
- Attendance management
- Student Profiles
- Notifications management
- Financial Management
- Timetable management
- Student and teacher assessments
- Program Management
- Classroom Management
- Staff Management
- Student & Guardian Portal
- Teacher Portal