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Schools Love DreamClass
DreamClass helps schools get things done efficiently. Don’t take our word for it, hear it directly from them.
“DreamClass offered all we needed and had great customer service. One stop shop for everything we need to see. In particular, the Sales team and Support team have been a tremendous support to our school.”
Melissa Wulf
Principal of Treasure State Academy
- Faith based school
- K12
Catheryn Schoenfarber
“DreamClass offers a well-priced product backed by stellar customer service and product innovation. As a smaller school, DreamClass met our needs for an SMS, and consistently meets our needs for continuous product and service improvement. Always innovating, we appreciate the care and support they have for their customers. We couldn’t ask for a better partner.”
Owner and Founder, Spirit Wellness Institute
- Vocational School
“DreamClass has helped eliminate paperwork by 60%! We barely need storage for academic paperwork. For example, assignments, grade books, and student databases are all paperless now.”
Michelle Novelle
Senior Administrator, Aerojet Aviation Training Academy
- Vocational School