Upgrade to an online attendance system, like DreamClass. You’ll manage to make attendance tracking and management much more efficient!
Tag: attendance system
Custom fields, detailed attendance, updated invoice management and more
-Make your day-to-day school management much more efficient, with Custom Fields, Detailed Attendance, Updated Invoicing, Tagging and more!
DreamClass: Much more than a Student Attendance Management System
Student attendance is a recurring and tedious task. You need a student attendance management system to keep the educational life in check.
Monitor attendance with a Student Attendance Management System
How do you monitor attendance in your school? Do you have a standardized way to do it? And how do you classify this information later on?
Attendance and gradebooks in Academic Management Systems
Looking for a smart way to manage both student attendance records & gradebooks? Academic Management Systems is exactly what you need. Try DreamClass, today!
Get parents notified with your Student Attendance Management System
What’s the first thing you check first when you enter your classroom? Attendance! With a student attendance management system, it’s a breeze!
A Student Attendance Management System, like no other
How many of your students missed at least 3 classes in the previous term or didn’t progress as expected? Did you manage to timely inform worried parents?